A new report from NRA Watch chronicles the serious crisis that's engulfing the National
As serious as the financial collapse is to the NRA, its infighting over the past two years has debilitated it, with its own board members focusing on the lavish expenses of Wayne LaPierre, the head and frontrunner for America's #1 domestic terrorist. Their lobbyist Chris Cox was forced out by LaPierre in a purge of non-loyalists, which also included disgraced Iran Contra arms smuggler Oliver North.
LaPierre, however, is still riding the NRA's gravy train, as the report notes:
"In a period where the NRA announced a freeze of its employee pension fund, the organization’s most recent regulatory filings indicate that its top 10 executives took home an aggregate of $9.8 million in compensation. This includes a 57 percent increase in compensation to CEO Wayne LaPierre, who received a total of $2.15 million in the most recent reporting period." (our emphasis)The report is an exhaustive overview of the corruption and greed at the gun lobby. That they are teetering on the brink of collapse might be one of the best things to come out of the Trump era.
(Not At All) Dear NRA,
ReplyDelete"Why bless your heart's."*
America sends you our thoughts and prayers.
*Southern for fuck-off and die!