Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Tweets Of The Day -- Revolting

News itemCovidiot Rambo cosplayers planning possible armed takeover of state capitol in Lansing, Michigan, tomorrow.

You almost have to pity someone who has to doll up in tactical gear for the cameras, toting his penis compensator around to feel "man" enough to threaten a female governor with lynching and assassination over some bullshit.  But don't, ever.  They're pea- brained fascists and need to be crushed.  Unfortunately, since they're white- while- armed, the police will likely treat them as brothers- in- arms.


  1. For these militant groups, the virus is just another excuse to get geared up, grab their weapons, and head out to intimidate everyone. They aren't worried about Covid because they have been brainwashed by QAnon and FOX that it's a Democratic plot to take over the country. Large doses of “I've got my rights under the Constitution” and “You're not the boss of me” are part of their vocabulary, with obligatory shouting, aggressive posturing, and threats galore.

    I'm concerned about the rising levels of anger and hostility among citizens. It's understandable that people are frightened and angry about new restrictions and their financial future. But to take that rage into the streets is useless and harmful to the rest of us.

    Once the virus has waned, we'll still have these hotheaded idiots to deal with, armed and ready for the next excuse to wreak havoc and posture violence. I hope we figure out how to stop them.

  2. donnah -- well put. These dangerous goobers have always been around, and will be around once COVID and Trump are gone, too. Essentially, they're frightened people who feel threatened by the change they see around them, because it undermines the only sense of privilege and "power" they think they have left: being white and male (and I say that as a white male).
