Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Propaganda Channel OANN's Russian Connection

As we've seen, yesterday's despicable tweet by mentally ill sociopath Donald "Bunker Boy" Trump falsely accusing the elderly man, Martin Gugino, injured by Buffalo police of having Antifa ties had it's origins in the Trump-worshiping outlet OANN. More significant is the fact that the vile conspiracy was reported by a former reporter from the Russian propaganda channel, Russian Kristian Brunovich Rouz. Sputnik was one of the media vehicles used by the Kremlin to spread disinformation and conspiracy theories aimed at electing Bunker Boy in 2016. The provenance of the smear goes even deeper into the sludge. Rouz apparently is a fan of an outrageously radical right-wing blog "Conservative Treehouse," which concocted the smear against Gugino to justify the brutal action by the police, and deflect criticism of Trump's behavior during the Black Lives Matter protests:
"In the segment about Mr. Gugino, the One America News reporter, Mr. Rouz, claims that 'newly released video appeared to show Gugino using a police tracker on his phone trying to scan police communications during the protest.' The footage, as seen in the segment, offers no obvious evidence to back up that assertion.

The allegation of a link between Mr. Gugino and a far-left antifascist group referred to as 'antifa' appears to have originated on Conservative Treehouse, a fringe right-wing website that has spread baseless conspiracy theories. The site bills itself as a 'Rag Tag Bunch of Conservative Misfits.'”
Positioning their people in right-wing media to catapult disinformation and propaganda is yet another way the Kremlin is reaching both the Trump cultists, and Trump himself, to weaken our institutions and foment racial and civil conflict. Predictably, they have a willing partner in the stooge they've placed in the White (Supremacist) House.


  1. I would wonder about a connection between Trump talking to Putin a couple days ago, and then tweeting about Gugino/antifa after watching the Russian propaganda news network; but don't want to come off as a loony lefty conspiracy theorist.

  2. Mart -- Nothing is beyond the pale when it comes to the Trump-Putin connection. You can bet there's coordination underway or some sort of "deal" being hatched.
