Sunday, July 12, 2020

"Law And Order" Ad Bashes Trump's Corruption

The Lincoln Project keeps turning out their devastating attack ads daily, and they always hit their mark: the lawless demagogue and mentally unstable Donald "Individual 1" Trump. This time, it's the corruption that infuses his regime from top to bottom. Keep them coming.


  1. Uhh.....Trump is trying to reduce crime by hiring every felon in the country so they all have a stable source of income?

  2. infidel -- It's the "Felonious Full Employment" program. Trump feels more comfortable having felons around him, being an unindicted one himself.

  3. When Benedict Bone Spurs was running for potus (first time) he ran on this Law & Order BS.
    I joked if I want A Law & order Pres., I'd vote for Sam Waterston (AKA DA Jack McCoy) Law & order, or, Chris Noth (AKA Det. Mike Logan) !!!

    Law & Order, GOOD GRIEF !! his people are Unbelievable! And I MEAN UNBELIEVABLE!!
