Friday, July 10, 2020

Poll: Trump Failing On COVID & Race Relations

In an ABC / Ipsos poll released this morning, very stable genius and narcissistic buffoon Donald "COVID Donnie" Trump's mishandling of the coronavirus pandemic has received the lowest marks ever, with only 33% approving of the way he's handled it. That's an 8 point drop from just a month ago. Trump's facing headwinds on his reckless, politically- motivated re-opening push, with 59% believing we're re-opening the economy too fast, versus only 26% that believe it's about right. On Trump's mishandling of race relations, a low 32% approve of the way he's handling them.

The poll was conducted July 8 - 9 on a nationally representative sample of 711 adults over the age of 18.

The public can't help but notice the fire raging, and Trump's cruel detachment, as the U.S. set a new record yesterday for new COVID-19 cases in a day: 65,551.


  1. Let's just face it. He fails 100% at being a human being.
    What he lacks in empathy, he makes up in hate !!! And, MY feelings for him are the SAME !!!!!

  2. And this poll is before he started with the "Children must be sent to School no matter who dies in the fall" initiative.

    Once fall rolls around and re-starting school becomes a total cluster-fuck, it will absolutely finish him. There will be perhaps 3 women left in America who will vote for him once this plays out.

    The stupid thing is, Trump should not have stuck his name on this at all. It's a super-local issue and he gained nothing by putting his name on something that was going to be hard to deal with even without him fucking it up worse. By sticking his name on it he guarantees to own yet another Covid Fail.

    It's classic Trump, he won't do what he is actually supposed to do and then he sticks his nose into things that he shouldn't be dealing with at all. His incompetence is really beyond measurement.

  3. Another stupid thing is if the Orange Dolt had appointed a few military and scientific medical experts instead of his money grubbing SIL and blank VP to effectively respond to this virus in January; he would have won in November in a landslide.
