Friday, July 10, 2020

Weekend Music Twofer

The Beths, an indie group from New Zealand, has just released a new album, "Jump Rope Gazers," and a catchy single from that album, "Out of Sight."  (We have to admit we were attracted to the group by the name, especially when a certain Beth in the family is having a birthday this weekend.)

We're also coming back to one of our favorite "neglected" Beatles songs, John Lennon's "Revolver"-era "Rain" (and we could use a soaker in this part of the country!).  It was released in May 1966 as the B- side to "Paperback Writer."  Hope you enjoy both.


  1. HAPPY early BIRTHDAY! CheesePuffy!

  2. I hope AZ Bureau Chief and her Deputy Chief are taking care of themselves in the hotbed down there!
