As more is learned about the Paycheck Protection Program loans ostensibly to help small business hurt by the COVID-19 pandemic to retain their employees, the grifting by the usual suspects on the religious right is coming out. The Washington Post reported recently that several in the "prosperity gospel" community that supports con man and sexual predator Donald "Two Corinthians" Trump received these loans, and some were substantial:
"Churches connected to President Donald Trump and other organizations linked to current or former Trump evangelical advisers received at least $17.3 million in loans from a federal rescue package designed to aid small businesses during the coronavirus pandemic.
Those receiving loans include City of Destiny, the Florida church that Trump’s personal pastor and White House faith adviser Paula White-Cain calls home, and First Baptist Dallas, led by Trump ally and senior pastor Robert Jeffress. City of Destiny got between $150,000 and $350,000 from the Paycheck Protection Program, or PPP, and First Baptist Dallas got between $2 million and $5 million, according to data released by the Treasury Department on Monday." (our emphasis)It was inevitable that these modern day Elmer Gantrys and wealthy hucksters would grab for whatever Federal money they could. But considering the megachurches, which rake in millions of dollars each year, as "small" much less "businesses" is absurd (granted they are a form of business, in the way that a bordello is a hotel with curiously friendly staff).
One recipient of the Trump regime's largesse is truly gag-inducing:
"Other program beneficiaries connected to veteran evangelical Trump allies include The Faith & Freedom Coalition, founded by conservative strategist Ralph Reed, which got a loan of between $150,000 and $350,000. That group reported retaining 24 jobs with its loan, according to government data."Reed's outfit is purely a political lobbying operation, advocating every right-wing policy you can think of, from banning abortions and contraceptives, to instituting prayer in schools, as well as Rethuglican political candidates:
"Reed and his organization were a major supporter of the Romney-Ryan campaign in 2012[7] after organizing a debate for the Republican candidates,[8] and a state chapter was also involved in state elections in 2011."Well, as the old saying goes, "The Lawd helps [Trump's religious grifters] that help themselves [to Federal money for small businesses]."
UPDATE: AP is reporting that the Catholic Church received at least $1.4 billion in COVID aid, making them the biggest religious grifters in this sorry saga. Worse, much of he money may have been ended up in dioceses with pedophile priest settlement problems or bankruptcy. For shame.
(photo: Paula White-"Curse of" Cain lays hands on Trump, who's hoping he can lay hands on her.)
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