Monday, July 27, 2020

QOTD -- Disarray And Suffering

“We’ve been anxious to negotiate for two months and 10 days when we put forward our proposal. They’re in disarray and that delay is causing suffering for America’s families.” -- Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), Sunday on "Face the Nation," describing the chaos caused by the unconscionable delay by the Trump regime and Senate Republicans in crafting a follow- up coronavirus relief package proposal.  Among other things, Republicans are balking at including an extension of the $600 weekly payments for the unemployed.  As the Speaker noted, House Democrats passed a bill in May that's been gathering dust on Moscow Mitch McConnell's desk ever since.


  1. The Republicans, led by McConnell, are a despicable lot. Mnuchin is a smarmy little toad, a mouthpiece for the Party who will keep American workers from staying afloat during the worst times of their lives. Their ridiculous claim, and they're all saying it, is that they should not pay the unemployed so much money that they won't want to go back to work.

    That is absolutely insane. It's typical of these politicians to try to humiliate those who are in need and to strip them of their dignity, by forcing them out of their homes. What the Republicans hope to achieve in the end, I don't know. The unemployed, myself included, don't have jobs to go back to. My teaching jobs should come back by the end of the year, but it may be next year. I'm not a leech. I've worked since I was fifteen and paid into the system without ever making a claim. They aren't “giving me” money; they're paying me back.

    So now the Republicans are paying billions of our money to help corporations that don't need or deserve it. As always. We gotta vote these suckers out.

  2. donnah -- this is acting out like a death wish by Republicans determined to permanently brand their party as the Sociopathic Plutocrat Party; may their wish come true.
