Thursday, July 2, 2020

Quote of the Day: "Psychopath"

"Donald Trump is incapable of tolerating losing without withdrawing into delusional paranoid explanations of what happened. His fundamental need to be always right and an absolute ruler, a God above all criticism, is what has led to his inability to tolerate democracy, and his repeated efforts to destroy it with his attacks on Congress, the judiciary system and a free press.

"Trump is able to appear more in touch with reality when he is being worshiped. Indeed, when his primitive needs are not being challenged, he can look like a normal person — it's what has made him a successful con man.  When he is challenged, however, his cruelty, sadism, paranoia, lack of conscience, incitement to violence and active pursuit of policies that kill people become obvious. These traits are properly described as 'evil.' In professional terms, they mean he is a psychopath." (our emphasis) -- Dr. Lance Dodes, retired assistant clinical professor of psychiatry at the Harvard Medical School, interviewed by's Chauncey Devega. We've heard Trump called a "sociopath" -- including by us -- but raising it to the more dangerous "psychopath" by a psychiatrist is new to us, but makes sense. The whole interview with Dr. Dodes is yet another "fire bell in the night," warning us of the imminent threat to our democracy and freedom should Trump be re-elected.

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