Sunday, July 12, 2020

The COVID-Coughing Cheesehead & Floriduh Man

This ridiculous clown represents Wisconsin's 6th district in Congress, who happens to cough just as he's saying "Donald John Trump". If he's asymptomatic with the virus, he just contaminated the podium and mic, as well as his fellow Trump cultists at their state convention. The first reaction is to say "serves you right," but anyone needing a doctor's treatment or hospitalization as a result of his reckless, sociopathic behavior will expose them, too (not to mention staff at the facility he coughed spoke at).

Then there's ultimate Floriduh man Gov. Ron "One Glove" DeSantis and his Trump- emulating bungling of the pandemic in his state.  Shot:
Florida on Sunday reported a record 15,300 new coronavirus cases, the most by any state in a single day since the pandemic reached the United States.
The staggering number was the result of both increased testing and widespread community transmission that has affected the state’s population centers as well as its rural areas. It shattered the previous highs of 11,694 reported by California last week and 11,571 reported by New York on April 15.
Florida is set to hold the Republican National Convention in Jacksonville next month and has ordered schools to reopen five days a week.

These people are despicable.

(h/t Crooks and Liars)

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