Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Twitter Acts Against Far-Right "QAnon" Crackpots

For years, the crackpot community around the bizarre far-right "QAnon" conspiracist has clung to its every message / signal / ominous occult uttering. Their unhinged conspiracy "theories" involve "Deep State" plots against demagogue and Putin puppet Donald "Bone Spurs" Trump and more. QAnon's ability to inspire potential violence among the unstable is real, so Twitter announced that it was suspending accounts relating to QAnon conspiracies, and more:

More from DailyKos here. This is a big blow to Trump-supporting conspiracy peddlers, although they still have other more permissive platforms to spew their sick garbage. There's long been speculation about QAnon's identity, from known far-right individuals associated with the 4chan site, to a Kremlin disinformation campaign by Russian military intelligence. Either way, good on Twitter for acting to stop this lunacy on its platform.

(photo: CNN)

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