Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Republican National Circus -- Day 2 (UPDATED)

The second night of the "All Praise the Dear Leader" convention was typical in the wall-to-wall lying, gaslighting, and hypocrisy it engaged in. You had everyone from "liar for hire" and former coke head Larry Kudlow speaking about COVID-19 in the past tense, while corrupt lobbyist and former Florida Attorney General Pam "Bond Me Out" Bondi attacked Trump Biden for nepotism with a straight face, only to have a succession of Trump family members follow her (see below). Indeed, members of the Trump crime family were featured again, as on the first night. Failson Eric Trump, who is ducking interviews with the New York Attorney General's office over misleading lenders in Trump Organization financial documents, lied about Biden "defunding the police," and giving "amnesty and health care to illegal immigrants," while forgotten daughter Tiffany Trump lied about the media silencing supporters of the Dear Leader.

There were Hatch Act violations galore, including the use of the White (Supremacist) House for staged pardons, naturalization ceremonies, and the Rose Garden speech of third lady Melania "Melanie" Trump, who ironically spoke of civility and concern for the victims of her husband's criminal neglect on the COVID-19 response. Then there was ham-faced Secretary of State Mike Pompeo beamed in from Jerusalem spouting nonsense about Trump's foreign policy photo op "accomplishments", which would have been more appropriately delivered from the Kremlin.

In all, it was a night for alternative facts and thoroughly dishonest attempts to portray the Dear Leader as a caring, immigrant-loving, honest hard working President defending the suburban housewives from the blacks other people.

BONUS: Colbert nails a major problem with the RNC Trump praise fest (with apologies to the Jackson 5):

His monologue was, once again, a perfect summation of the evening and a must- see:

BONUS II:  Fortunately, irony died a long time ago --



UPDATE:  Fact- checking Day 2 --



  1. Not just tone-deaf, but tone-deaf, dumb and blind. Just start calling her the Pinball Wizard.
