Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Republican Family Values -- Sexytime Edition

Scratch a Republican, get a perv:
South Florida Congressman Brian Mast joked about rape and referenced sex with 15-year-old girls in old Facebook comments to a friend who is now his campaign manager.
The messages were posted years ago, but they’ve surfaced in Mast’s tough re-election fight against Democratic challenger Pam Keith.
Mast, a 40-year-old Republican, represents one of South Florida’s most competitive swing districts. He apologized for the remarks on Tuesday.
One of the comments involves a Feb. 23, 2009, photo of a bar outing posted by Rocco LeDonni, who is now Mast’s campaign manager. The photo was taken during LeDonni’s vacation to South Africa.
Mast commented, “im so proud of you... i hope you hook up with at least fifteen 15 year olds over there.... its legel there right.”  (our emphasis)
["Married"] Alaska Attorney General Kevin Clarkson resigned Tuesday following the publication of an Anchorage Daily News and ProPublica investigation that found he sent hundreds of “uncomfortable” messages full of flattery, kiss emoji and invitations to a state employee.
Prior to his resignation, Clarkson had quietly been placed on unpaid leave for the month of August. Records obtained by the newsrooms show the junior state employee raised concerns about 558 text messages that Clarkson sent to her personal phone in March.
Over a 27-day span, the attorney general asked the woman to come to his house at least 18 times, often punctuating the messages with comments about the much-younger woman’s beauty. [snip]
The text records show Clarkson messaged the woman at all hours of the day and evening, sometimes from his state office, until she sent him a text in early April asking him to respect professional boundaries and saying she doesn’t accept late-night calls on her personal phone.  (our emphasis)
Wait, there's more!
Public records show that this is not the first time his interactions with a woman have raised questions about harassing behavior. In two requests for domestic violence protective orders filed in state court in 1996, Clarkson’s ex-wife accused him of harassing and threatening her.
In a request for a protective order filed Aug. 23, 1996, his former wife wrote that Clarkson “threatened me not to tell anyone ‘what happened 10 years ago.’ (He’d paid for sexual favors from a pros),” short for prostitute[snip]
Late last year, [Republican Gov. Mike] Dunleavy wrote President Donald Trump asking for a favor on Clarkson’s behalf. In a Dec. 2 letter, the governor asked Trump to help Clarkson’s wife and stepson overcome immigration obstacles in order to leave Colombia and join him in Alaska.

“Over the past year, I have found Attorney General Clarkson to be a wise and trusted legal advisor, a man of exceptional character, and a devoted husband and father,” the governor told Trump. Before being appointed in late 2018, Clarkson had been a champion of Christian conservative views on social issues such as same-sex marriage and abortion(our emphasis)
"Christian conservative views."  Yes, we noted that.

Quick, get these two booked for the Republican National Circus!  Now that the anti- Semitic lady was dropped, speaking slots are still available!

In other news, Jerry Falwell, Jr., would like to know if he can watch.

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