Saturday, August 8, 2020

Tweets Of The Day

News item:  Last night at his Bedminster golf club "press conference," moron vector Donald "COVID Donnie" Trump had a HUGE announcement to make:  he would be "pursuing" an executive order making coverage of pre-existing conditions mandatory for insurance companies.  Needless to say, there were plenty of folks happy to point out something about that announcement:



So, after talking for weeks about an imminent health care plan, this is what they come up with?  Is it to provide cover for the Republican Supreme Court to strike down the Affordable Care Act in the pending cases, most likely after the election as a final f.u. to Democrats?  Regardless, there are millions of low information voters who might buy this as an "alternative" to the ACA, even though loss of coverage, junk policies and unaffordable premiums would be some of the ways the insurance industry would likely respond in an ACA- free America.

Democrats and the media can't let them get away with this COVID Donnie con job.

Meanwhile, the event turned into more of a mini- rally, with club members ($350,000 membership fee) assembled mostly mask- less and with their wine glasses to cheer COVID Donnie, while no action is taken to help unemployed Americans:


  1. Ever since the Dicktraitor learned the 2 words "Executive Order" he uses them ALL the time !! Notice that! I wonder who the Dummy was that wrote those down for him?!? He loves the sound of them & he is The executive (in his own mind). Regardless of the situation.
    I want him to say: "I am issuing an Executive Order that I am resigning !"

  2. Remember after McCain scuttled killing the ACA they allowed junk policies back into the market. Low premium, deductibles, and copays for ordinary stuff; just don't get the big one or you are bankrupt. So policies without coverage for pre-existing conditions are out there only because of Trump. And once the actuaries figure in PEC's the junk policies will jump in price. Of course after the election.
