Saturday, August 15, 2020

Twit Tweet, Thwap: Doing More TO Women

Twit tweet:


1 comment:

  1. You can bet that any words falling from the pursed lips of this scumbag will be lies. Look at the women he's surrounded himself with at the White House, like Kelly Anne Conway or his venomous press secretary, Kayleigh McEnenany. Ever notice how many bleach blondes in short skirts and high heels he hires? There are no Madeline Albrights in his Cabinet.

    How many sexual assault cases are filed against him? Ever hear of a president with pending lawsuits of rape? How about his motel staff? How much are those women being paid? And how about his claim that he has the “Suburban Housewife” vote? That's about as sexist a claim as you can get. And it's another lie.

    This jerk has done nothing good for women. He's an insult to us simply by existing.
