Thursday, September 3, 2020

Trump's Weaponized Cans Of Soup

Writing in the Washington Post, Alexandra Petri takes a detailed look at the dangers posed by soup, after we were warned by mentally unstable con man Donald "No Soup For You" Trump about weaponized bags of soup:
"The president, sound in mind and body, is continuing to tell us important things that are worth knowing. Most recently, he wants us to know that soup is a dangerous weapon.

'And you have people coming over with bags of soup — big bags of soup,' he said. 'And they lay it on the ground, and the anarchists take it and they start throwing it at our cops, at our police. And if it hits you, that’s worse than a brick because that’s got force. It’s the perfect size. It’s, like, made perfect. And when they get caught, they say, ‘No, this is just soup for my family. And the media says, ‘This is just soup.’

This is not just soup. Soup is a very dangerous substance. For instance, some soup is very hot. Alphabet soup can spell ANTIFA.
It's good that Trump has been warning us about multi-flush toilets and weak showers, about the COVID-fighting power of injecting disinfectants, about planeloads of terrorists dressed in black, and about dangerous soup. We were beginning to think he was losing his mind.

(photo: Nice that the Very Stable Genius is able to point to his very small brain)


  1. He has a good point, it's all fun and games until you get hit upside your helmet with a bag of soup. Sarah Cooper should have fun with this one.

  2. Mart -- It's absolutely made for Sarah Cooper. Hope she does it.
