Saturday, September 12, 2020

Tweets Of The Day -- Humanity

Joe Biden took part in solemn 9/11 ceremonies yesterday at Ground Zero in New York City and in Shanksville, PA. His abundant humanity shone in both places.


(h/t Balloon Juice)


  1. I have always loved this about Joe Biden: his empathy and his humanity. He is wise and kind, and he never forgets why he's a leader. During the DNC I was moved by the story about the boy who stuttered and what Joe did to help him. Biden's history is jam-packed with stories like this.

    Look at Trump's history. There are no kindnesses, no good deeds, no help for those who are struggling. He is devoid of a soul and he's the sole focus of his life.

    I'll take Old Handsome Joe any day.

  2. donnah -- they're polar opposites - like light and darkness.
