Saturday, September 12, 2020

Undecided Voters? Maybe Not This Election

As we see former VP Joe Biden benefitting from narcissistic sociopath and pathological liar Donald "COVID Donnie" Trump's recent self-inflicted wounds (post below), a report from Axios suggests that the usual "undecided voter" in past elections has winnowed down to a level of 3 to 5 percent at best:
"The 2020 presidential election features a pared-back pool of undecided voters after four years of a highly controversial and media-saturated presidency.

[Snip] Entrenched views mean there's less reason for campaigns to try to change voters' minds than to convince those already with them to vote — and help educate them about mail-in and early-vote procedures to make sure their votes count.

A wealth of evidence suggests more Americans have made up their minds by this point compared with years past..."
Trump cultists' support for him has remained steady in the low 40s despite a cascade of crises and scandals, his bungling and deadly deceit on the COVID-19 / Trump Virus being foremost. They've been conditioned to reject any reality that Trump has not approved of. Alternatively, the passion on the Dem side for removing the cancer in the Oval Office has led Dems to coalesce around Biden in a way that they didn't for Hillary Clinton in 2016, and in a way that flipped the House of Representatives in 2018 and in multiple special elections since then.

The article cautions that inaccurate polling data, Trump's sowi,ng confusion and uncertainty about mail-in voting, Trump's meddling with the Postal Service, etc., could still change the election outcome. That's why it's important that Dems be laser-focused on organizing, registering, and voting -- early when possible -- and getting other Dems out to vote like their lives depended on it.


  1. This is perfectly logical. It's why the polls are steady. We know both Trump and Biden very well.

    We know Biden well because he's been around forever, Trump because for the last 3 1/2 years he has been a train wreck that no one can stop watching.

    It's hard to not have an opinion about Trump at this point. Even for people who don't pay attention to politics, he's an unavoidable reality.

    I won't be surprised if turnout this election breaks a few records. Personally, I would swim through a pool of puss and crocodiles to vote this year.

  2. Unknown -- Exactly. Trump's a massive dumpster fire that's impossible to ignore. We'd swim through the same and more to vote in November.
