Friday, October 2, 2020

BREAKING: Trump Contracts Trump Virus

It had to happen sooner or later: virus spreader and demagogue Donald "COVID Donnie" Trump and his third wife Melanie Melania have tested positive for the coronavirus. Shortly before 1 a.m this morning, Trump put down his double cheeseburger and tweeted:

After all of that "playing down" of the virus, pushing quack cures, taunting mask wearing, recklessly holding his Nuremberg rallies with no social distancing or masks, and who knows what else, the biggest purveyor of false information on the virus has now gotten a dose of it. 

Aside from the schadenfreude of it all, Trump will have to quarantine at the White (Supremacist) House for the next 14 days, assuming the virus doesn't put him in the hospital on a ventilator. Trump communication lie factory aide and object of Trump's lust Hope "No Hope" Hicks also tested positive on Wednesday evening. Hicks had traveled with the Trump entourage to the Tuesday shit show in Cleveland, which indicates  that they knew the infection had reached Trump's inner circle Wednesday evening, yet still appeared at a Nuremberg / Herman Cain Memorial rally in Duluth, MN that night.

The White (Supremacist) House indicated that Trump will conduct some campaigning from the residence, again assuming the virus doesn't consume him, thus reversing roles with VP Joe Biden, who is out on the campaign trail holding safe events.

More, including reactions, later this morning.

BONUS: He shows more empathy than we can muster --


BONUS II: Major Trump cultist and head of the Rethuglican National Committee Ronna Romney McDaniel has also tested positive for COVID-19. Trump cult virus spread is happening before our eyes.


  1. I'll save my thoughts and prayers for those who deserve them. Trump is sick because he deliberately ignored the precautions. I'm furious that he exposed so many other people including our Joe Biden and his family. Trump lied, thousands died.

  2. donnah -- We share your sentiments. Thanks for them.

  3. No sympathy here, c'est la vie. Unusual though that he tested positive so early. The asshole probably had it days earlier and spread it around his senior staff. Saw a man wearing a MAGA hat recently. In small letters under MAGA it stated "Make the Asshole Go Away." Prophetic no?


  4. Jimmy T -- We doubt that he takes as many tests as the people that come in contact with him that are required to. So, you're right that he picked it up and was spreading it while asymptomatic far and wide among his hapless staff and family.
