Friday, October 2, 2020

Tweets Of The Day -- "Unable To Protect The Country... Or Himself"










Finally, memories -- 

And a musical commentary: 


  1. I'm a bit leary about this. Seems too many positives could come from this. No debates, tough guy who beat it, right all along, sympathy. I don't trust these people one iota! This is how they play. No matter what they will turn this to their advantage more than likely. If it's true then it's well deserved and he croaks I'm good with it.

  2. If he's not faking, it sounds like a case of believing one's own bullshit.

  3. One Fly -- not trusting them is the only place to start. I think this is a metaphor for the reckless way he's comported himself -- "unable to protect the country or himself." We'll see how it plays out.

    bluzdude -- as a world-class narcissist, his "gut" is always right, even when there's coronavirus making it's way through it!

  4. I don't want the Trump's to die. Just 4 or 5 weeks with a tube in their lungs so they know the hell they unnecessarily put tens of thousands through. One Fly is right, if they have Covid light it will be no worries, just a flu, everybody go back to work.

  5. Mart -- that's pretty much our view as well.
