Headline in today's Washington Post, p. A9 :"Court-packing question continues to dog Biden campaign."
More accurately: "Republican- wired reporters dog Biden campaign with hypothetical question aimed at distracting from years of real Republican court- packing."
Come on news media. Look at this guy. And you're trying to stir up some bullshit about Biden and court packing in the final days of the campaign knowing the GOP did this --- AND THEY"RE BRAGGING ABOUT IT ON FOX NEWS???
— digby (@digby56) October 11, 2020
This is a big reason why this country is in such trouble;. https://t.co/gMXjgUSNFX
Journalists. You’re taking the bait. Republicans already packed the courts. Mitch laughed about it. Your job is not both sides. It’s the truth.
— Bradley Whitford (@BradleyWhitford) October 12, 2020
Jesus Christ.
— Charles P. Pierce (@CharlesPPierce) October 12, 2020
Just stop it. https://t.co/geLQHATgWx
What the brouhaha over Biden's deferral on "court-packing" really says is this: media have accepted a dualism where Republicans destroy norms and Democrats preserve them. So if Biden challenges a norm, it gets breathless coverage, just as it does when Trump doesn't lie.
— 🕷Dante Atkins🕷 (@DanteAtkins) October 11, 2020
The other was Ducey in Arizona. He games a commission that recommends nominees for the governor to choose from, so it was extra sleazy.
— Joshua Holland 🔥 (@JoshuaHol) October 11, 2020
The media focus on Biden’s answers on “court packing” are astounding given that the media has hardly explained how far to the right the confirmation of Justice Barrett will move the Supreme Court. It will affect climate change, affirmative action, voting rights, reproductive rts
— Rick Hasen (@rickhasen) October 11, 2020
"Will Biden pack the courts" is the new "Hillary's emails"--a way for journos and others to demonstrate a false "balance" by wildly overweighting a small qualm on one side so that it appears as significant as huge scandals on the other. https://t.co/R81M7C0Klh
— Christopher Orr (@OrrChris) October 11, 2020
The tell that this is just something journalists are doing to be “tough on both sides” and not an issue people think voters care about is that the WaPo/ABC poll that was in the field this week didn’t even bother including a question about court packing https://t.co/lrZDnHS2kG
— Max (@aoxamaxoa) October 11, 2020
See also here. Just to be clear, we would support "court balancing" for both the Supreme Court and lower courts to counter years of anti- democratic court- packing by Moscow Mitch McConnell and his fellow Republican rats, that was solely intended to frustrate and subvert popular, progressive initiatives that they couldn't defeat at the ballot box.
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