Saturday, November 7, 2020

COVID-19 Rampages Through America (And The White House)

Approximately 70 million voters in this country thought this was acceptable:

The nation registered more than 128,000 new coronavirus infections Friday, a third consecutive single-day record, as the runaway pandemic continued its spread across the American heartland and reached deep into Florida, Texas and other parts of the country.

Illinois set a staggering record for the state of 11,790 confirmed and probable cases for the day, a much greater total than recorded Friday by more populous states such as California and New York. Arkansas, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri and North Dakota also were among the states grappling with unprecedented cases of the coronavirus.

“It is community spread everywhere,” said Jaline Gerardin, an epidemiologist at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago. In part, the greater numbers are the result of the increased availability of testing, she said. But the main problem was allowing the virus to simmer at fairly high levels throughout the summer, particularly among young people who congregated in bars and restaurants against expert advice.

 Hey, look who else has tested positive!




We got another winner! 




Privileged assholes like Meadows, Gaetz and their Dear Leader will always get the best, most intensive care. But the depraved indifference for the health and lives of anyone around them is a telling sign of their sociopathic philosophy of life.  And, once again, 70 million Americans saw this in different manifestations over the last 4 years and just endorsed it with their votes.  

Forget being two different tribes.  We might be two different species.


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