The widely hoped-for move that 87 year-old Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) would relinquish her Ranking Member position on the Senate Judiciary Committee has occurred. Feinstein announced that she would step down from that position after her highly criticized performance at the hearing for Amy Coney "Coathanger" Barrett to be Supreme Court Justice. Her bend-over-and-take it style was on display during that hearing as she praised Committee Chair and despicable hypocrite and Trump remora Sen. Lindsey "Use My Words Against Me" Graham for his handling of the rammed-through nomination shortly before the election. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer reportedly had a "long and serious talk" with Feinstein after that debacle. Said one leader of a progressive organization:
"This was a necessary step if Democrats are ever going to meaningfully confront the damage Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell have done to the federal judiciary," said Brian Fallon, executive director of Demand Justice. "Going forward, Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee must be led by someone who will not wishfully cling to a bygone era of civility and decorum that Republicans abandoned long ago." (our emphasis)
It would be a service to the Dems and to the nation if Feinstein were to gracefully retire and allow California Governor Gavin Newsom to appoint a replacement to serve out her term, but we're not holding our breath. In the meantime, Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) is next in line in seniority and will be the new Ranking Member on the Committee.
(photo: "Thanks for the screwing": Feinstein hugs Graham after Republicans ram Barrett SCOTUS nomination down Dems' throats. CNN)
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