After a string of humiliating defeats in court, culminating in conservative Federal Judge Matthew Brann's scathing dismissal of the Trump "elite strike force" legal team's argument in Pennsylvania last Saturday, delusional sociopath and one term impeached authoritarian Donald "Mango Mussolini" Trump is seething about their inept performance, led by Trump consigliere and "fool for a lawyer" Rudy "Hands In Pants" Giuliani. Bunkered alternatively in the White (Supremacist) House or in sand traps at his Virginia golf course, Trump felt humiliated by Giuliani's clown show appearance at Republican National Committee headquarters, where sweat mixed with hair dye streamed down his face. From the NBC report:
"The president has been complaining to aides and allies about his personal attorney Rudy Giuliani and recently-removed lawyer Sidney Powell’s over-the-top performances at a news conference at the Republican National Committee headquarters last week, these people said. Both Giuliani and Powell have continued to make conspiratorial and baseless claims about widespread voter fraud, for which they have provided no evidence.
The president is concerned his team is comprised of 'fools that are making him look bad,' said one source familiar with the thinking. Asked why he would not fire them, this person replied, in essence, who knows? [snip]
When Giuliani was announced as taking the lead, it did not go over well with some of the president’s aides and allies because he 'makes mockery' of the effort to actually pursue what they consider to be legitimate issues around voting, these people said." (our emphasis)
One would think that after Giuliani's pivotal role in arranging Trump's fateful call in 2018 to Ukrainian President Zelensky which led to his impeachment, he'd be shown the exit thereafter. But this regime is a dumpster fire of incompetents, grifters and loons that prize "loyalty" to the Dear Leader above all else, even when it means further humiliation and defeat.
(photo: Get the straightjacket ready. Jacqueline Martin / AP)
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