Thursday, November 5, 2020

QOTD: Trump's "Damage That Can't Be Forgiven"

Washington Post editorialist Colbert King looks at the incredible damage done by malignant narcissist, Putin asset and racial demagogue Donald "COVID Donnie" Trump to this country, aided millions of Americans (see our post below). Read his whole article here. An excerpt:

"Whether Trump goes or stays is of little moment.

He has caused damage to an extent that only a herculean effort by a future president and a dedicated and Constitution-loving Congress can undo.

The bitterness of this election is not an accident — some kind of unforeseen departure from an “old America” to which the nation can return once the keys to the White House are turned over to the next president.

To contend that Americans ignited and exploited by Trump really, really, cross my heart and hope to die, don’t regard their fellow Americans as enemies, that they don’t hate other Americans, and that, after the final results, we won’t end up mad at each other? That is imagining an America that doesn’t exist.

Trump has encouraged Americans to offend each other. He has brought out the worst in us to satisfy his own twisted interests. The outcome of the 2020 election will not settle any of this.

Trump’s character defects, his disgusting behavior beneath the dignity of the presidency, his contempt for honesty and ethical governance have been on display since he entered the White House in 2017. And millions of Americans, as was true in the 2016 election, love what they see."

We're now seeing the flailing and lies of someone who is losing his grip on power, and who would like to freeze the vote in some states to give him a fraudulent victory, as would a banana republic dictator. But as each vote is counted and each voice is heard, his days are numbered and can't be rescued by legal briefs and maneuverings.


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