Thursday, November 5, 2020

Tweets Of The Day



In the Trump bunker --



=Cough= Trump 2020! =wheeze= MAGA! =cough= --



Greatest hits -- 


Moving along --


Sounds about right --



This, too -- 



 And, finally --





  1. Heh. Good stuff here. Jentleson is right. People call Moscow Mitch a turtle, but really he's a viper. There's no playing nice with that.

  2. That moving van parked in front of the White House was delivering Depends.

  3. Time to play hardball with Mitch McConnel. Lots of federal facilities if Kentucky. While closing facilities and bases is more involved the moving of personnel is entirely up to POTUS, and/or CinC.

    All the military personnel at Fort Knox and Fort Campbell can be relocated entirely at the president's discretion. Ask McConnel to vote your way and when he doesn't shift another unit, and all associated federal spending, out of Kentucky. One example: The 101 Airborne has roughly 30,000 people. Probably at least equal to that in civilian support jobs. Likely billions in federal spending.

    The POTUS doesn't need a reason but we could shift the 101st to Arizona, a state that went for Biden, explaining that given the odds are they are going to the Middle-East Arizona allows them to better acclimate to the hot and dry climate. I'm sure Arizona would love the economic boost.
