Friday, November 6, 2020

Quotes Of The Day -- Trumpism


“'Make liberals cry again” is also the most succinct example of why Trumpism won’t end, even if Trump’s time in office is ended for him. When the goal is not victory but humiliation, there is no way to tell when the game is over. It’s not necessarily over when the Supreme Court is stacked, it’s not over when Roe v. Wade is overturned. It’s not over when all of Barack Obama’s executive orders have been repealed or when Hillary Clinton goes to jail.

"It’s not over, ever, because liberals can always be made to cry more, and longer. Long after Trump’s followers have forgotten why this was the goal, or what they gave up in order to achieve it, they can still make a liberal cry, again and again and again — a medicine for an ailment they will never cure." -- Monica Hesse, Washington Post.


"... [N]o matter how this election concludes, America is now a different country. Nearly half of the voters have seen Trump in all of his splendor—his infantile tirades, his disastrous and lethal policies, his contempt for democracy in all its forms—and they decided that they wanted more of it. His voters can no longer hide behind excuses about the corruption of Hillary Clinton or their willingness to take a chance on an unproven political novice. They cannot feign ignorance about how Trump would rule. They know, and they have embraced him." -- Tom Nichols, The Atlantic.

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