Following the Electoral College voting to confirm the victory of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris over Sore Loser Mango Mussolini, a certain tyrant and puppetmaster offered his congratulations:
Joseph R. Biden @JoeBiden has been declared the winner of the US presidential election. Congratulations from Vladimir Putin:
— President of Russia (@KremlinRussia_E) December 15, 2020
Your home office just sent you your pink slip, Sore Loser! That must sting more than all the bogus "lawsuits" you lost and every sniveling Republican finally recognizing reality. Sad!
(Image: The long kiss goodbye)
Phone call transcript:
ReplyDelete"You're done Donny. Good work. Now have vodka-tonic and relax. I let you know when we need you again. Go to club and work on handicap. Satellite says you cheat, improve lie. You need work on stealth with foot-wedge."
bluzedude -- "You can come to Mother Russia. No extradition treaty. Build Trump Tower Moscow. Start media empire. Can use Sputnik studios. Continue to punish America for not loving you enough!"