Attorney General William "Low" Barr, the corrupt consigliere and "Roy Cohn" for demagogue and crooked con man Donald "Mango Mussolini" Trump, will be leaving his post before Christmas according to a tweet by Trump. After being one of Trump's most slavish Cabinet members, Barr ran afoul of Trump recently by stating that there was no evidence of widespread fraud in the election that would change the outcome, and keeping the investigation of Hunter Biden's taxes under wraps until after the election.
Barr's departure coincides with today's vote of the Electoral College that confirms President-elect Joe Biden's big win over Trump, as California's 55 electoral votes put him over the threshold of 270 needed to win.
(photo: We're imagining him with a whole apple in his mouth.....)
Someone shoulda mentioned it to Will, when you're having a grinning closeup, to put in your uppers !!