Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Supreme Court Rejects Trump Effort To Subvert Pennsylvania Vote


Loss number 50 for the Trumpers (in a request brought by Trump asskisser Rep. Mike Kelly), and it's a big one:

The Supreme Court on Tuesday denied a request from Pennsylvania Republicans to block certification of the commonwealth's election results, delivering a near fatal blow to the GOP's long-shot bid to invalidate President-elect Joe Biden's victory.

The Supreme Court's action is a crushing loss for Trump, who suggested as late as Tuesday that he thought the justices -- including three of his nominees -- might step in and take his side as he has continually and falsely suggested there was massive voter fraud during the election.
The one-line order was issued with no noted dissents.
The justices acted quickly, just after the final brief in the court was filed Tuesday afternoon, suggesting that they wanted to send a decisive message to challengers of the election results(our emphasis)
This should put Republicans on notice that even the Republican Supreme Court isn't going to go along with Mango Mussolini's coup attempts, and that the latest crank appeal coming from crooked Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton isn't going anywhere except into the circular file.

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