Saturday, December 12, 2020

Tweets Of The Day

Sedition moving into high gear? --


Just a reminder --



He's a loser, and he's not what he appears to be --






It wasn't even close --


Elite Strike Force Power Ranger or Colossus of Dunces  ("All of them, Katie!")--



When they tell you who they are, believe them --





  1. Great collection. So Trump is recruiting the Proud Boys? They'll be about as much use at fending off the inevitable as the Volkssturm was at keeping the Russians away from his predecessor's bunker.

    He's a loser, and he's not what he appears to be

    Any post is enhanced by a Beatles reference.

    Jake Tapper is on target, except that I'm not sure "leader" is the right word for Trump.

    Dawn Johnson..... holy $#!T. If the Republicans don't repudiate her immediately, they're even more far gone than I thought.

  2. Infidel -- thank you! Glad you liked them (and the Beatles reference). 39 days to go.
