Friday, January 1, 2021

Happy New Year 2021 Music


We wish everyone seeing this a very healthy, Happy New Year 2021!  Time to 

"Ring out the old, ring in the new.

Ring out the false, ring in the true!"


  1. Happy New Year to my dear bloggers! you provide information and insights, but all served up with tastes of galaxies far, far away and some damned funny cartoons. And great music! What more could we ask for?

    Thanks for steering us through a hellacious year. And I hope that this new year will be better, safer, and healthier for all of us.

    Thanks, as always, and be well!

  2. donnah -- thank you for your kind words and support! A very healthy and happy 2021 to you and your family!

  3. Pretty sure Donnah sent me here, so thanks. Appreciate your insight Hackwhackers. Gotta be a better year. Stay safe, gonna be a scary few months.

  4. Mart -- A belated thanks to you for your kind words and your insightful comments! Let's all hang in there together.
