Friday, January 15, 2021

Tweets Of The Day


The core of the coup cult --



This is what they countenance --



Reaping what was sowed --


What he says --


Deficits matter (now)! --




#TubervilleSoDumb he thinks you can delay the Inauguration --





  1. Tuberville is threatening to out-stupid Gohmert, if such a concept is possible. Alabama dumped Jones for this?

    One can at least hope that the shift toward more overt evil by a large part of the Republican voting base portends division within the party. The remainder of their voting base should be repulsed by such stances, especially as more comes out about the mob's violence toward the police.

  2. Infidel -- the crackup will be/ is something to behold, as the authoritarian know-nothing part continues its fall down the alt-reality rabbit hole and the "establishment" NAM/Chamber of Commerce part pulls its support from anyone supporting sedition.
