Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Tweets Of The Day


QAnon/ Parkland truther Congressmoron has (murderous) thoughts --




The central story --


Nothing to see here, move along! (cont.) -- 


Profiles in cowardice (cont.) --



The Proud Boys' prolific snitch --



Let's do it! -






  1. Ms. Congressmoron says I have a gun while chasing the young David Hogg down the street while attacking his views on guns. That seems fair.

  2. Mart -- expulsion from Congress doesn't seem enough, and even that isn't probably likely. She needs psychiatric help.

  3. We need a Congressional Wing of Walter Reed to store Greene and Gym Jordan and Louie Gohmert and the rest of the cuckoobirds who are currently serving in the House and Senate. With razorwire and armed guards.
