Thursday, February 25, 2021

Gerry Connolly Pins Gym Jordan


During yesterday's hearing on the problems with the United States Postal Service, wrestling pedophile protector and extreme Trump cultist Rep. "Gym" Jordan (Seditionist-OH) whined about Dem "partisanship" for criticizing the Trumpist Postmaster General, Virginia's stellar Rep. Gerry Connolly showed the he wouldn't stand for the deceitful gaslighting:

"[Connolly] accused Republican colleagues of 'gaslighting' after they said Democratic outrage at Postmaster General Louis DeJoy — and attempts to remove him — were politically motivated.

Connolly’s retort: 'I didn’t vote to overturn an election, and I will not be lectured by people who did, about partisanship!' [snip]

For part of Wednesday afternoon, and at least in the soundbite-hungry world of Twitter, his latest dressing-down stole the show. He later shared footage of his tirade in a tweet that was retweeted more than 16,000 times within several hours.

“Sorry,” Connolly wrote in the tweet. “You lose the right to complain about partisanship once you’ve fanned the flames of violent insurrection.”  (our emphasis)

Here's the now viral clip of Connolly's take down:

Gym will soon have his Hollywood close up when George Clooney films a docuseries on the Ohio State sexual assault scandal, which Gym is alleged to have witnessed and covered up while working as an assistant wrestling coach. In the meantime, we hope Gerry Connolly and other Dems continue to slam Republicans who participated in the seditious insurrection and voted to void the 2020 election, who are now moaning about "partisanship." 


  1. Connolly is a national treasure. He was on MSNBC last night and he's really dismayed by the state of our democracy and what the Trump residue is doing to us. He's dismayed by how some of his fellow Senators are still adhering to Trump. Connolly is a non-nonsense guy who calls 'em like he sees 'em. I hope he continues ti stand up for democracy, and I expect he will.

  2. donnah -- Agree completely. He's tough, articulate and passionate about doing what's right and calling out the bad guys.
