Whether it's Russian thug and Trump handler Vladimir Putin's retaliation for new U.S. sanctions against him or not, corrupt hack and turtle / human hybrid Sen. Moscow Mitch McConnell (Sedition-KY) will have gas pains over this: Rusal, the aluminum conglomerate, has halted it's aluminum plant project in Moscow Mitch's Kentucky. According to reports, the plant was supposed to have been completed last year, when Moscow Mitch was Senate Majority Leader, but the Russians claim that their U.S. partner hasn't raised its promised equity. Rusal has already dropped $65 million on preparations for the plant. It's just a crazy coincidence that Moscow Mitch's power has waned just when the Russians are getting antsy. For what it's worth, the Biden administration should keep a close eye on Unity Aluminum, Rusal's cash strapped American partner, when it comes to spending any of the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan funding. Just a thought.
The deal had the strong whiff of corruption and influence buying from the start, as the report suggests:
"In 2019, Rusal announced its commitment to invest $200 million in the plant, which stirred up criticism as the decision came shortly after the U.S. Treasury Department lifted sanctions on Rusal and its parent company."
Moscow Mitch denied knowing about the apparent quid pro quo for the huge investment, which is about as plausible as him not knowing where Kentucky bourbon is made.
(photo: "I guess I'll have to switch back from vodka to bourbon.")
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