Friday, March 19, 2021

Tweets Of The Day


Trump traitors rootin' for Putin --




Dr. Seuss has more legit medical and science credentials than Ayn Rand Paul --


Some things just need a good Schlapping --


Or a good punching --


 C'mon, man --



TGIF! --





  1. So pot smoker Obama could not work for Biden. Come on man indeed. Remember when SC nominee Douglas Ginsburg was attacked for smoking pot. My dad asked me if I smoked pot. Yes dad. Did everyone in college smoke pot? I said I'd guess at least 80% had tried it. Dad said Christ, in a few years nobody would be qualified to work in Government. So popular in red and blue states should at least move off Schedule 1.

  2. Mart -- it's a self- inflicted wound on an issue nobody focused on or cares about, but now it's another distraction that will be humped by Fox and the rest of the right wing wurlitzer.
