Friday, March 19, 2021

Weekend Equinox Music


It's time for our traditional musical welcome to tomorrow's Spring equinox:  Franz Schubert's Symphony No. 8 in B minor ("Unfinished").  The version we're sharing here is one of the first classical albums brother Hackwhacker and I bought as teenagers.  It's Fritz Reiner and the Chicago Symphony Orchestra's recording from March 26, 1960, at Chicago's Orchestra Hall.  We've always associated it with springtime, perhaps because it evokes the change from the dark of winter to a slow but inexorable pace of renewal and growth (or simply because of the cover with the robin's eggs in a nest and the forsythia!).  In any event, take the time to listen and enjoy!


  1. Silver Spring Bureau ChiefMarch 19, 2021 at 12:36:00 PM EDT

    It can also stand for renewal and growth that the Biden Administration will bring after a dark winter of Orange Shitgibbon!
