Thursday, March 4, 2021

Sen. Ron "Tiny" Johnson Is Obstructing The COVID Relief Bill (UPDATED)

The Dumbest Senator, Ron "Tiny" Johnson (QAnon -WI), wants you to wait for your stimulus checks, extended unemployment insurance, help to state and local governments for essential workers, money for openings schools safely, grants to small businesses to keep them afloat, money for COVID testing and tracing, etc.:

Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) will force Senate clerks to read aloud the entire $1.9 trillion covid-relief bill, delaying debate on it by about 10 hours.

“I will make them read their 600-700 page bill,” Johnson said, detailing his plan during an interview on a Milwaukee conservative talk radio show.

He also said he plans to force votes on a huge number of amendments to prolong the debate by several days.

“We need to keep this process going, so we can highlight how this is not covid relief, how this is a boondoggle for Democrats,” he said. “It’s a Democrat wish list setting things up for an even more socialist society, and it needs to be resisted and I’m going to lead the effort to resist it.”

Dammit, Wisconsin, how could you send this moronic asshole to Washington ... twice?!?

He's a sewer of bad faith, conspiracy theories, sedition- enabling, and Russian intelligence talking points. You'd be hard pressed to find a Republican in either the House or Senate who's been more destructive and mendacious over the course of his career.  Now you can add obstructionist to that.

UPDATE:  Tiny's ploy to slow down passage of the bill has been pwned in the most appropriately lame way.

(Photo:  The only thing not tiny about Tiny is his mouth.)

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