Friday, March 12, 2021

Senior Military & Vets Slam Tucker Carlson For Misogynist Remarks

Fox "News" trust fund troll (Swanson's) Tucker Carlson, who never served a second in the military, reacted to President Biden's promotion of two women to four- star rank the other day by mocking pregnant women in service and whining that the military was becoming "more feminine" under Biden and was losing ground to the Chinese. Then he got his large, soft ass scorched.

Pentagon spokesperson John F. Kirby (Adm./USN/Ret.):

"What we absolutely won't do is take personnel advice from a talk show host or the Chinese military. Maybe those folks feel like they have something to prove — that's on them. We know we're the greatest military in the world today and even for all the things we need to improve, we know exactly why that's so."


Sen. Tammy Duckworth (D-IL):



Vote Vets:



 MGS Scott Stalker (USMC/Space Command)



Maj. Gen. Patrick Donohue (USA):



More here, here, and here

(Photo:  That punchable face...)

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