Right-wing Christofascist perv Jerry "Fall Bad" Falwell, Jr. can't seem to avoid questionable situations. After being dismissed and sued for millions by his familial scam, Liberty "University," for his and his thirsty wife Becki's sexual escapades with a young pool attendant, Falwell has been persona non grata around campus. But showing that shame has no bounds with this Trump-supporting Bible thumper, world- class hypocrite Falwell appeared unannounced at a student event on Thursday evening and invited seniors to a par-tay at his farm for "the real Liberty graduation," according to Politico. We can only imagine what he has in mind for a party at his place for the hormone-raging younguns: free hookups with wife Becki while he looks on, free flowing booze as he and co-eds walk around with their pants unzipped, a speaking-in-tongues contest, a contest for who can grovel best before a golden statue of their Dear Leader Donald?
We suspect that the outraged, upstanding leaders of Liberty "University" will put out a stern warning to seniors and others to avoid Falwell's farm or risk eternal hellfire and damnation. Some may decide to risk it for some Biblical sexytime with Becki.
(photo: Zip-a-dee-do-dah. Falwell poses with a "University" employee last year. Facebook)
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