When President Biden meets with Russian thug and corrupt autocrat Vladimir Putin next week in Geneva, there won't be a joint press conference, like the shameful, kowtowing one that Kremlin stooge Donald "Loser" Trump had with him in Helsinki in 2018. Trump appeared meek beside a smirking and strutting Putin, saying that he had no reason to believe Russia was behind the election meddling in 2016, contradicting his intelligence community in front of the world.
We weren't sold on the idea of a meeting between Biden and Putin in the first place. After continuing Russian meddling in our elections, cyber hacks of major vital industries and the Federal Government, and the assassination or imprisonment of Putin's domestic opposition leaders, Biden has no justification for giving Putin equal time and status on a stage to answer questions from the world media. Putin uses meetings such as this for internal propaganda purposes to show Russians that he's a world leader on par with a U.S. President. It's good that a joint press conference was denied Putin. The contrast with Trump's disgraceful performance will be stark.
(photo composite: Getty Images)
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