Sunday, June 27, 2021

"Loser" Gathers Cult For A Grievance Fest

Marking the first stop on a whining grievance tour, mentally ill narcissist and would-be autocrat Donald "Loser" Trump held a rally of his devoted cult in Lorain County, OH yesterday repeating the "big lie" that the election was "rigged" and that he won by a "landslide," when in fact he lost by some 7 million votes certified and audited by elections officials and courts. He was joined at the cult gathering by co-lunatics Mike "Pillow Guy" Lindell and violent gym rat Rep. Marjorie Traitor Green (Insurrection-GA), the latter of whom exclaimed to the crowd that "President Trump is my President." 

The disgraced Trump was there to exact vengeance against one of the ten Republican House members that voted to impeach him the second time, Rep. Anthony Gonzalez, and plans to campaign against each of those Republican members in an attempt to flip the House in 2022. The Associated Press' report gives a flavor of the delusion and abnormal behavior there yesterday:

"Saturday’s focus on the election lies of 2020 began even before Trump arrived. The pre-show included a PowerPoint-style presentation by a man who claims an algorithm was used to manipulate the election results. And Mike Lindell, the My Pillow founder-turned-conspiracy theorist who has spent millions trying to prove the election was stolen, was hailed as a hero by some in the crowd, who chanted his name and jockeyed for photos as he milled around. [snip]

The event had many of the trappings of the rallies Trump held as a candidate and as president. There was the eclectic playlist, the same stage design, and many familiar volunteers. Trump even reprised his performance of 'The Snake,' a song he has used as an allegory for illegal immigration, and the crowd chanted 'Lock her up' at the mention of Hillary Clinton, the Democrat he defeated in 2016."

The fact that Trump and his cult are still weirdly obsessed with Hillary Clinton tells you how far down the rabbit hole of delusion they've fallen. They also might want to reconsider the chant given Trump's growing criminal legal difficulties. But for the devoted cult, their tainted golden calf is still worthy of worship:

"[Trump's supporters] included Chris Laskowski, 55, who lives in Medina, Ohio. 'We miss him,' she said. 'I think they robbed him of the election and he’s still our president.'

She wasn’t alone.

'He’ll be back in August,' predicted Peggy Johnson, 60, who had traveled from Michigan to attend what she said was her seventh Trump rally. 'He actually is president now.'”  (our emphasis)

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