If they wanted to, the sinister Murdoch klan could halt Carlson' spread of that racist "theory" which has been pointed out by multiple sources (here, here, here and here by the Anti-Defamation League). Specifically, Lachlan Murdoch, the CEO of Fox Corp., has not only chosen not to sanction Carlson (who is their most popular evening propagandist), he's voiced support for him. As Media Matters notes in a lengthy analysis of Fux coddling the purveyor of racist speech, with Murdoch's tacit backing, other Fux propagandists have incorporated "white replacement theory" in their nightly diatribes. Of course, once it's aired on the Fux Channel, that is the "Bat signal" for Rethuglican hacks and all varieties of white supremacists to echo and spread the "theory."
If the FCC were less afraid of the Murdochs and intent on keeping racist and anti-Semitic garbage off the airwaves, the Murdochs might think twice about what their propagandists spew. Better still, advertisers might want to know that their products are being pushed at the same time racist memes are. That's "consequences culture."
(photo: Asked and answered)
What do you expect the FCC to do?
ReplyDeletej - According to the FCC:
ReplyDelete"The FCC....does have enforcement responsibilities in certain limited instances. For example, the Courts have said that indecent material is protected by the First Amendment to the Constitution and cannot be banned entirely. It may be restricted, however, in order to avoid its broadcast when there is a reasonable risk that children may be in the audience. Between 6 A.M. and 10 P.M. (when there is the greatest likelihood that children may be watching,) airing indecent material is prohibited by FCC rules. Broadcasters are required to schedule their programming accordingly or face enforcement action. Similarly, the Commission has stated that profane material is prohibited between 6 A.M. and 10 P.M."
Perhaps you wouldn't regard "white replacement theory" / white supremacy broadcasting as"indecent", but we would.