As many as 700,000 motorcycle freedumb riders have descended on Sturgis, SD for the 81st annual Sturgis Motorcycle Rally which kicked off Friday as the Delta variant surges across Trumpistan. There's no data on what percentage of the riders have been vaccinated, but the county that Sturgis is in is only 37% fully vaccinated and the CDC has designated it as a "high community transmission" area. South Dakota's ambitious and sociopathic Trumpist Governor Kristi "COVID Kristi" Noem has actively encouraged the rally this year as last, when the Sturgis Stooges may have spread the COVID-19 virus to an estimated 266,000 people around the country, according to a study by San Diego State University's Center for Health Economics and Policy Studies.
Some of the riders at the Sturgis rally seemed to be vaguely aware of the danger, according to the linked WaPo article, but most seemed to be defiant about health protocols:
"Others, however, mocked the pandemic, the vaccine or both, as they walked shoulder to shoulder along a jammed Main Street at the start of the rally. Several attendees interviewed by reporters said they had no plans to be vaccinated. One man who spoke to CNN was coughing as he tried to explain why he wouldn’t get inoculated, while another unvaccinated attendee said he was not too worried about contracting the virus: 'If it happens, it happens.'”
Of course, "if it happens, it happens" includes people, especially those unvaccinated under 12 years of age, who don't want the Delta variant to "happen" to them. But these are reckless, clueless sociopaths, the hardcore of Trump's cult.
The rally's theme for this year is "We're Spreading Our Wings," and you can be certain, with an aggressive and deadly variant loose, they'll be spreading a whole lot more.
(photo: A lot of "bull" between those horns, Q-man!)