Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Study: Sturgis Stooges Spread Sickness

Last month's motorcycle COVID-19 super spreader rally in Sturgis, SD is reported to have led to a spread of the virus to an estimated 266,000 people in numerous states. A study done by San Diego State University's Center for Health Economics and Policy Studies tracked cell phone data and COVID-19 case counts in their analysis following the 460,000 "Sturgis Stooges" that attended the super spreader event:
"The report from San Diego State University’s Center for Health Economics & Policy Studies used anonymized cellphone location data and virus case counts to analyze the impact of the 460,000-person event that took place last month, believed to be one of the largest events held during the pandemic. Health officials had expressed concerns about the rally, which, the researchers noted, “represents a situation where many of the ‘worst case scenarios’ for superspreading occurred simultaneously.” Those included the event being prolonged over 10 days, attracting a significant out-of-town population and involving attendees clustered together, with few wearing masks
The consequences were 'substantial,' the researchers concluded. By analyzing the parts of the country that had the highest number of Sturgis attendees and changes in coronavirus trends after its conclusion, they estimated 266,796 cases could be linked to the rally. That’s about 19 percent of the number reported nationally between Aug. 2 and Sept. 2, and significantly higher than the number state health officials have linked through contact tracing. Based on a covid-19 case statistically costing about $46,000, the researchers said, that would mean the rally carried a public health price tag of $12.2 billion."  (our emphasis)
South Dakota's sorry, Trump ass-kissing excuse for a Governor, Kristi "KOVID Kristi" Noem, is of course disputing the findings with no contrary evidence to back her position, calling the study "grossly misleading" saying it "isn't science; it's fiction", things she should be very familiar with as a Trump cultist. If the $12.2 billion public health price tag can be nailed down and apportioned, we'd suggest the states adversely impacted by KOVID Kristi's reckless disregard for public safety by allowing the event send her the bills for their COVID-19 treatment costs.

(photo: KOVID Kristi pointing fingers. Susan Walsh/AP)

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