Some covidiots using livestock de-wormer (and the FDA has thoughts) --
You are not a horse. You are not a cow. Seriously, y'all. Stop it.
— U.S. FDA (@US_FDA) August 21, 2021
"The FDA hasn't fully approved the vaccines, so I dunno...wait, you have that crap that de-worms sheep? Give it here!" 🤪🙃🤪
— Cliff Schecter (@cliffschecter) August 21, 2021
— Frank Edenburn Jr (@EdenburnJr) August 21, 2021
"You wouldn’t get your chemotherapy at a feed store."
— Ashton Pittman (@ashtonpittman) August 21, 2021
Is we finally learning? --
For the third day in a row, more than one million vaccine doses were reported administered in a single day, per the CDC. The last time this happened was the first week of July.
— Kaitlan Collins (@kaitlancollins) August 21, 2021
Riling the rubes --
Acosta: The pictures of of Afghans clinging to military planes are not what riles up the Fox audience. It’s these images with Afghans loaded on to those planes
— Acyn (@Acyn) August 21, 2021
Murdoch marriage wrecker Tony Blair, please shut your shepherd's pie hole --
If I'm not mistaken Tony Blair, most associated in the foreign policy realm with two of the most catastrophic decisions in decades is lecturing the US about 'grand strategy'. Got it.
— Josh Marshall (@joshtpm) August 22, 2021
If I’m understanding the newspapers out of Great Britain correctly, Tony Blair is back and his being in favor of more war is a matter of headline news. Pls advise.
— southpaw (@nycsouthpaw) August 22, 2021
Tony Blair, once respected as an alleged statesman, has gone all Dick Cheney on us.
— Tomi Ahonen Is A Regular Two-Slice Toaster (@tomiahonen) August 22, 2021
Hey Tony. You helped create this current mess in the Middle East with your pals W, Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney. Sit this one out, Tony. Nobody wants to hear from you ever again
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