Sunday, September 19, 2021

QOTD -- The "Justice For J6" Dud

"Alas, after Trump called the whole thing a 'set-up' and various groups like the Proud Boys and far-right message boards kept telling people not to go because it was a 'false flag,' not too many people showed up. Maybe like 100-150, 200 might be too generous. There isn't really much to say about it other than that. [snip]

"Think about it. These people are such paranoid conspiracy theorists that they thought that their own event to protest the arrests of their fellow paranoid conspiracy theorists was a 'false flag.' If that's the way they're going now, how are they ever going to have a public demonstration again? How are they going to trust one another? Because really, any of them could be a member of Antifa trying to make them look bad. How would they even begin to tell the difference between a member of Antifa trying to make them look bad and a QAnon supporter or Proud Boy just being themselves? How would they tell the difference between a truly devoted Trumpist who wants to overthrow the government and a secret agent trying to fit them up for a plot to overthrow the government?"--  Wonkette's Robyn Pennacchia taking a tongue-in-cheek look at the poorly attended (less than 200) paranoid loser fest billed as "Justice for J6" rally in Washington, DC, yesterday.   Losers.

(Photo:  Counter- demonstrator at the "Justice for J6" loser fest/ Peter Ugarte. AFP via Getty Pictures)

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