Sunday, October 10, 2021

Naming Corporations Donating To Anti-Choice Republicans


Advocates for women's reproductive choice are mobilizing to go after the corporate benefactors for the reactionary, misogynist Trumpist Republicans in Texas after their "bounty hunter" law took effect, and in other states contemplating the same action as Texas. A joint ad campaign by Corporate Accountability Action (CAA) and American Bridge 21st Century in Texas is targeting corporate giant AT&T for its financial contributions to Texas Republicans who have instituted the draconian anti-choice law that includes no exceptions for rape and incest: 

CAA is also looking at other corporations in other states where Republican misogynists are getting their donations, as part of their "Off the Bandwagon" campaign, per AP's article:

The ads in Texas aim at AT&T, which Corporate Accountability Action found donated more than $645,000 over the past two years to nearly 22 lawmakers who sponsored the measure. The Dallas-based telecom company also donated thousands to Democratic lawmakers.

In Florida, the group is criticizing corporations such as Walt Disney for its $262,000 in donations to among the more than two dozen lawmakers who sponsored proposed abortion restrictions over the past two years. NBC Universal gave $83,500 to those legislators, and some $88,000 in Texas, CAA found.

Then of course there's the despicable Elon Musk and his craven decision to relocate Tesla's HQ from California to Austin, TX after the passage of both the Texas voter suppression law and the anti-choice bounty hunter law.

Many cynical corporations temporarily withdrew support from the seditionist Trumpist Republican Party after the unsuccessful coup by malignant demagogue Donald "Loser" Trump and his cult on January 6. That's been followed by nine months of efforts in Republican-controlled state governments using Trump's "Big Lie" about election fraud to ram through voter suppression and gerrymandering laws that benefit their continued grasp on power, which hasn't seemed to dampen corporate enthusiasm for undermining democracy. Disgusting, but unsurprising.


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