Friday, November 12, 2021

Weekend Passages Music


The Buffalo Springfield/ CSNY/ Crazy Horse, etc., musician and songwriter Neil Young turns 76 today. As one of the most influential artists of his generation, Young is also well-known as an environmental, anti-racist, small farm activist.  "Rockin' in the Free World," from his acclaimed 1989 album, "Freedom," and an early Buffalo Springfield composition, "On the Way Home," from 1968"s "Last Time Around," are our Young tribute songs today.

Also, we're noting the passing of the only original founding member of the Moody Blues still active, drummer Graeme Edge at the age of 80. Edge is the only Moody who played on every one of their albums, starting with 1965"s "Go Now," the title track of which is our tribute to him.  R.I.P.

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